Harmful effects of bursting crackers general tipsnov 6, 2015 crackers are very harmful for health. On this auspicious occasion unknowingly harmful gases and toxic substances released to enviro. Harmful effects of crackers effects of bursting crackers. One of them, the more scientific one, is that the fumes produced by the crackers would kill insects and mosquitoes found after the rains. So if you want to know about the harmful effects of bursting crackers, then this article will help you a lot. This atmosphere cause harmful effect to ones overall health. Air pollution level comes down in jalandhar this diwali. Diwali is a festival of lights but most children look forward to the fire crackers that are burst during this festive period. Hearing loss, high blood pressure, heart attack and sleeping disturbances. Why you should reconsider bursting crackers this diwali. Harmful effects of bursting crackers air pollution.
If the city does not get proper rain and wind, then these gases remain in the air. Know how harmful are the crackers that you burn every year on diwali for latest breaking news, other top stories log on to. Restrictions on sale and bursting of crackers is longawaited and a step in the right direction. Due to large scale of bursting firecrackers during this festival it releases harmful gases and toxic substances into the atmosphere, loud noises from loudspeakers and firecrackers, dry waste causing health problems for children, patients and senior citizens. Lets now come to the point of pollution caused by firecrackers. The science behind air pollution and bursting of fire crackers let. The oxides and dioxides of sulphur and nitrogen are released during the burning. Bursting of firecrackers can cause physical injuries such as burns or damage to the eyes. In recent days, a few unwanted speeches are booming here and there. Anita pal, a schoolteacher says, it is important for children to understand that bursting crackers is harmful. The major talk is all about bursting of fire crackers during diwali. Your pet dogs, sparrows, love birds suffer the most. But why do we turn a blind eye to all the harmful consequences of it all. On inhaling these harmful gases, people get various disorders.
Bursting crackers releases toxic gases and smog in the air. Air pollution is one of the most harmful effect of bursting crackers. It is not only are injurious to humans but also for other beings such as, animals and birds. Essay on pollution due to firecrackers for students 500 words essay. Reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of blood, leading to anaemia. Since bursting crackers is literally playing with fire, sometimes celebrations are done besides water sources to avoid fire damage. During the diwali people use the most of crackers which is harm the environment also on health of human being harmful facts on environment. These are not only cause air pollution but also cause noise pollution.
The sharp increase in the amount of firecrackers burst on diwali in the recent years has turned the festival of lights into a nightmarish time filled with pollution. Inhaling the fumes emitted by firecrackers increases the chances of asthma attack among patients. The illeffects of bursting crackers include aggravation of respiratory diseases, injury to the eyes and other parts of the body, impairment of. Harmful effects of bursting crackers diwali is round the corner and people must be busy shopping for clothes, sweets, candles, diyas and other puja materials at a feverish pace.
Many lost their lives in the factories manufacturing firecrackers due to explosion. However, what they do not realize is that the harm it is causing to the. The harmful gases produced from the bursting of crackers, such as nitrous oxide, remains in the air for a long time if the city doesnt get enough rain or strong winds. Many people give reasoning such as, how can i reduce pollution by not bursting firecrackers while whole year we burn coal, diesel, petrol, and so on.
Air pollution level comes down in jalandhar this diwali with increased awareness about the harmful effects of bursting crackers and several members of the sikh community not participating in. Children are not totally in control when they burst crackers and are prone to accidents if left unattended. Is it right to celebrate deepavali in this way by causing harm to others. Harmful effects of firecrackers diwali fireworks bad effects. Well people really dont know that happens when we burst so many crackers on the same particular day well i agree that there are many people who are educated and they even know what are the effects and the harms that are going to take place but they just dont regret. Unfortunately the fumes that these crackers produce are harmful to the the environment and us. And the last few decades have seen a drastic increase in this with a large variety of crackers that are being made available in. The actual risk of adverse effects on ones health depends on the. Sudden exposure to loud noise could cause temporary deafness or permanent relative deafness. The last time i burst cracker was 78 year back, but this time i burst firecrackers. Today, simple sparklers have given way to elaborate fireworks that can light up the entire sky above your home.
Here are a few legitimate reasons why you should reconsider bursting crackers this diwali. Bursting crackers comes with its fair share of disadvantages that. Given here are the hazards posed by excessive noise pollution caused by crackers. Below are some harmful effects of bursting crackers. Top 10 disadvantages of burning firecrackers list dose. While people love bursting firecrackers every year at this time, recent research has shown that firecrackers and the residue they leave behind can have some very harmful aftereffects. Harmful effects of bursting crackers on environment. Diwali crackers harmful effects are not immediately seen, however, the aftereffects of these crackers is so grave that these can cause serious health issues like asthma, respiratory problems, skin rashes and allergies and so on.
But you also may be aware of the fireworks and crackers culture that has been apart of this festival for years in india perhaps there were several objections taken by many scientists, activists, and people across the nation to impose a ban on the fireworks observing. In october last year the supreme court allowed bursting of lowemission crackers relaxing the complete ban issued in 2017. Different health problems are caused by firecrackers like hearing loss, high blood pressure, hearing problem, nausea and mental impairment or even heart attack. Environment the illeffects of firecrackers robinage. Harmful effects of bursting crackers on environment destructive effects of bursting crackers posted on october 29, 2016 by online hindi news channel. Studies have found that crackers contain perchlorate particles, which contaminate the water, and even seep into the ground and contaminate ground water, making it unfit to consume, and poisonous to plants. Know how harmful are the crackers that you burn every year.
Dear readers, as you may be aware the festival of diwali is coming up the next month on 27th october 2019. Noise pollution is as dangerous as the air pollution. It is important that people wise up to the harmful effects of bursting crackers and shun them voluntarily. Crackers are injurious to senior citizens and childrens health. The dangers of bursting crackers follow green living. Bursting crackers comes with its fair share of disadvantages that outweigh the advantages, any day. Millions of people burst crackers during diwali which leads to a lot of. Healthcuretips provides natural remedies tips for all the health problems. The bursting crackers give harmful gases in the air. Ocean pollution occurs when harmful effects, or potentially harmful effects, can result from the entry into the ocean of chemicals, particles, industrial, agricultural and residential waste, noise. There have been many instances of the crackers going off when still in hand causing mild to severe burns on the person holding them.
Enjoy a blissful deepavali by eradicating the malpractice. Inhaling the fumes emitted by firecrackers increase the chances of asthma attack among patients. The smoke from firecrackers contain sulfur compounds, heavy metals and other toxic chemicals and harmful fumes of gases such as sulfur dioxide, ozone etc. Millions are wasted on things that pose a huge health risk. Many socialists and few other common persons are opposing the burst of fireworks. At this festival, people all over especially in india burst loads of firecrackers to celebrate it.
So, for the love of our dear pets and stray animals, we should give up burning crackers right away. Mixed response to restrictions on bursting of crackers. This is a point to ponder for our public, which should be made aware of the illeffects. We also ask them to educate their parents and relatives on the harmful effects of firecrackers as well as the dangers accompanying them. Here are 5 harmful effects of crackers and fireworks. Harmful effects of bursting crackers on diwali short. Polluted water also effects the ground water table causing longterm damage to the ecosystem collapse of drainage system by blocking drains with harmful waste. Home health cure tips health tips natural remedies. Lead in the body has a harmful effect on the nervous system. Exploding fireworks release a huge amount of smoke which intermingles with air. Bursting cracker in diwali can have severely harmful effects. Diwali is round the corner and individuals must be occupied with looking for garments, desserts, candles, diyas and other puja materials at a hot pace.
The bursting of crackers during diwali is primarily responsible for an increase in concentration of dust and pollutants. Festivals and pollution reasons, impact and solution. Theres so much more to diwali than just the crackers. Five health hazards of crackers and fireworks you must. The noise from firecrackers can lead to tinnitus ringing in the ears and might last for 24 hours or. The harmful effects of bursting crackers on diwali include.
The bursting crackers give harmful gases in the air, such as nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc. Effects of fireworks in diwali perfect pollucon services. People with asthma, multiple chemical sensitivity and other breathing problems suffer largely due to the toxic emissions from these fireworks. We all know that for safety of people air pollution should be controlled. Essay on pollution due to firecrackers for children and. Why did you burst crackers after being well educated of its ill effects.
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